Thursday, 8 November 2012

How are things going?

Hi everyone, how are things going for you?
I've almost finished collecting in all of my data and have started drafting up parts of my critical review.
I actually found the interviewing really interesting. Before going ahead with it I couldn't really see different answers to the questions than my own. Some of the answers really surprised me and some were different to the observations that I had made. Did you find the same thing?
Now that I've started typing everything up I've found it's a tricky business to try and get everything out of my head and onto the page but I'm just trying not to get too snowed under with all of the information. I've found it difficult not to start evaluating in my inquiry analysis and to know which piece of what I'm trying to say should go where.
What stage are you at?
A notebook to jot down stray ideas has still been my saving grace. Is there anything else you can suggest to help?
I've also started to think about what I'm going to do for the professional artifact. This seems like quite a challenge and I've had a look at some previous blogs for some ideas but still not sure what to commit to.
Hope things are going well for everyone,

1 comment:

  1. Hi Emily,
    I think we're at roughly the same point, I have collected my data and am in the process of trying to organise all my thoughts and ideas for the written review. I feel like I have found out so much information now it's time to start looking for trends, surprises, dissonance or correlation.. and somehow link it all into one Critical Review. Speaking with Adesola gave me ideas of how to organise my thoughts- into 'themes' taking all the info, and writing out flash cards with main points then cross referencing them if they have themes in common. Then hopefully, I can move smoothly from one 'theme' to another in the Review.
    With regards to the artefact, i'm thinking of doing something practical as after all the writing in the review, I might need a change of style!
