Thursday 11 October 2012

What am I doing?

Many thanks to Sarah and Liam for writing up about what was discussed at the first campus session for module 3.

It's been good to see how other people have been getting started on this module and I thought by writing a blog about what I have done so far and what I plan to do could be a help to others as well as myself.

General advice has been to take a good look back at the feedback and plan from module 2 and "tweak".
I found that I was getting lost with what I needed to do. What was I supposed to be getting out of my plan? I needed to summarise it which I did in a note book under a title of "what am I actually doing?" and now I have this page sat infront of me so that if I get lost I can look at this and get my head back in the game.

So, What am I actually doing? Here is what I have summarised.

Well, in my overall inquiry I'm exploring how dancers work through injuries and how they can prevent these injuries from happening. I am looking at ideas of developing a healthy lifestyle along with the ideas of dance UK and the healthier dancer project. What are their ideas, and can I relate them to my inquiry?
I have been searching through their website and making notes on a lot of their research and plans so far. I have subscribed to their Facebook page but I am not a member of dance UK. As I would like to know so much about their project it could be a wise decision for me to become a member...

In my inquiry I'm looking at the key times that injuries occur and after my feedback have decided to look at other risks of injury. Before I was looking at simple things such as doing a good enough warm up but i've added some other variables such as whether dancers are more vulnerable when they are for example ill, tired or emotionally low - depressed, sad, stressed etc.
These different areas all have different ethical arguments about them for example the way dancers can be treated in training and rehearsals can cause a dancer to become tired and stressed and therefore more likely to become injured. Some would argue that this is wrong and others that it is a necessity to be treated that way in order to become a better dancer. So these new variables will help to discuss ethical arguments around the subject of injury.

I have also started looking more at published literature that has been written by dancers to look at their opinions and feelings on the subject.

This is all helping me to finalise the questions that I will be asking my participants in both surveys and interviews which I have also begun to jot down in my notebook.

Reading advisers blogs has also been a great help and Adesola makes a good point that I need to sticky label to the laptop:
"The module is about the process, NOT about me finding an answer to a problem..." That's where I keep going wrong, but at least I know that now.

Im also working on a timeline although this is actually a more difficult task than expected.
Notebooks are saving me. I find it easier to organise my brain on paper so I have note books filled with random words and sentences but it helps me to understand what I mean somehow.

So now that I know where I'm going I have started progressing with my literature reviews and finalising my questions for surveying and interviewing participants... watch this space, I'm watching yours!


  1. Hi Emily I will have to set some time aside to read the bloggs about the first campus session. I also find it good to write notes and write to do list and targets to complete during the week. I feel it helps me keep to my schedul and keep me calm and on top of work.
    Hope your inquiry is going well.

  2. Hi Emily, sounds like you are on track. It would be great to hear what literature you are looking at and what the main themes are you are finding. Have you thought about the way the Dance UK project is organised. Are there any themes there that jump out at you. There is something about independent dancers for sure. What do you think?

    Sounds like you are in a good space to stop worrying about getting it right and just start doing it. As you say the learning is in the process not guessing what the end will be. Courage
    I have a saying on my wall
    "genius is talent exercised with courage' - Wittgenstein

  3. Hey Emily, I can completely empathise with how you are feeling! I write lists, brain storm and I most definitely have to set myself targets itherwise I achieve nothing!! I agree with the above comments, thank you for sharing what you are doing and what stage you are at. Em-Phia x
