Saturday 11 February 2012

Task 4a

Something that has helped me the most is having to think about how this inquiry will be useful to me in the future. This helped me to narrow down my thoughts on a line of inquiry. I'm interested in finding out about different career opportunities that I could possibly pursue after performing. I have previously said in task 2d that I am interested in choreography and music, I want to find out how to make the transition from performer to choreographer/ producer and also discover new opportunities similar to these.

Some questions that I would be inclined to research would be:
How can you prove yourself as a choreographer?
How can you gain and improve management skills?
Is it possible to produce my own show?
Would this be financially viable?

Has anybody else considered this route themselves or does anybody have any comments or ideas on these questions?
I'm still very much at the starting point and am not certain of my exact line of inquiry, but am pleased to be having a few ideas and would be excited to hear from anyone with similar interests,
I'll keep posting,


  1. Hi Emily. I think it is possible that we will be in the same SIG group as I am also looking to link performing and dance teaching together, maybe opening my own theatre/dance school in the future which certainly would involve management skills. I also have no idea where to start so have decided to just ask any questions that crop up in my day to day activities during performing and teaching and see if I can work them in some how afterwards. Could this be something that would work for you as well?

  2. I feel as I would aso be in the same SIG group as I want to perform and also teach and open my own special needs dance school. Emily about your questions there are ways to do a show on a budget ... Ie do a charity show and I'm sure your old school will allow you to do a mini show there for free. Also your contacts. Is there any one who owes you a favor.

  3. Hi Charlie and Jessica thank you for commenting and suggesting we all be in the same SIG. I've been doing a lot of brainstorming and questioning that I'm developing into a new blog post as a progression for task 4a. let me know if youre still interested in working together. I'll keep looking at your blogs too.
    Charlie its interesting about doing a charity show and something I would consider for the future, thank you and Jessica I think I have been unknowingly doing this and writing down ideas as they crop up. Hope things are starting to come together for you too!
