Saturday 7 April 2012

Rehearsals Begin

Hey fellow Bappers. Been unable to get online for a week and there are now mounds of new posts on the blogs that I'm trying to keep up with! Just started work here and the difference between this job and my last is unbelievable. It makes such a difference being based in one place and the atmosphere is so different here. I wouldn't say the differences are better or worse, just very different! I would say though, that we have been very well looked after! I am already making observations from the rehearsals and recording them in my journal. The new dancers have been made to feel very welcome here. The cast is around 33. 16 international dancers and 17 (as far as I have counted) Spanish dancers. The show involves classical flamenco dancing and the usual showgirl style, jazz and heel work that I was expecting. All the dancers dance all the styles so it is going to be a challenge to learn some Spanish! Hope all the inquiry plans are coming along well. I have begun to write mine out but discovered I was struggling to find things to talk about. Alan and Paula's blogs have been very helpful in inspiring new ideas for the plan. Ive started to save some links on delicious. Im hoping that if you click the link you will be able to see them? maybe you will find them as useful as I am! Hope all is going well for everyone Emily x


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Emily, thank you for that post. I did found the blogs of Alan and Paula also very useful. And...I have to admit that I love delicious. Only to put it as an bookmark into the browser is so simple and effective. Have you found other useful tools too?
