Tuesday 6 September 2011

First Blog

Well I'm a little bit apprehensive about writing this.
I generally don't enjoy posting things online for others to read because I am usually worried about how other people may take them. Even when it comes to updating my facebook statuses (which I do once in a blue moon) I will sit there for about twenty minutes sometimes, thinking of a good way to word something and even then I will wonder if I have made myself look silly.
But I suppose a part of this course is about learning different techniques of expressing yourself in this way and so I hope I become a bit more confident in expressing my personal opinions and commenting on other people's posts by the end of it all.
I'm still a little confused about everything with all of the information that we have been given but I hope that it will all become clear once the course begins. I've had a read through most things and actually I can't believe how much I already rely on web 2.0 features. I use facebook almost everyday and many casting websites when I am looking for jobs and auditions. I also like to use you tube to see if there have been shows posted up online of the jobs I would like to audition for.
I have also learned a lot from the handbook that I had never heard about before! The google reader is actually amazing!. I wish I'd known about that a while ago, It could have saved a lot of time! (its a bit like the news feed on facebook but for updates on all of the different websites that you subscribe the reader to)
Unfortunately I can't attend the enrollment days because I'm working abroad. I'm disappointed because I would have liked to have met everyone and hopefully got a bit more of a grasp on the course.
But I'll keep an eye on the google reader to check for any updates.
Hope to hear from you all, Best wishes Emily

1 comment:

  1. Hi Emily, nice to meet you-i'm Alicia and i've just set up my blog. So I just had a read of yours, and I was hoping you could just have a look at mine to check that I didn't leave it on some kind of 'private' security setting.
    I'm also excited but a bit apprehensive about the course- I can't go to the Induction days either as I' working in Switzerland. Where are you at the moment, anywhere exotic?!
    Alicia :)
