Tuesday 11 October 2011

An introduction to task 2a

I have begun to set out a time for myself every evening to write a reflective journal for task 2a. I’ve started out by just letting myself write as I would usually write a journal. I have kept a diary at various times throughout school so I think that I must have developed my own personal way of writing throughout these years.  I have always kept them and occasionally will have a flick through of the old ones. I think it’s nice to sometimes look back and have a chuckle about what was going on then, read about all the gossip and the biggest dramas then that seem so petty looking back.  I also like to see how any problems that I had were resolved and what I did then to overcome any obstacles. I think the real reason why I have kept my journals though is because I like to look back and see how I have changed and developed as a person (as sad as that sounds). I think it’s funny to read back and remember that I thought in a particular way about something or had an opinion of something that is completely different to what I think today and I think (hope) that the Reflective Journal will also develop in this way.
I’m looking forwards to firstly writing the journal, then hopefully realising where my learning changes and develops and then finally looking back at the end of the course and seeing how my writing has developed and hopefully see that I have developed as a professional practitioner as well.
I’m going to attempt to write in different styles of journal writing so that I can hopefully incorporate them into my own.  Before I do this I’m going to research some different styles of journal writing by checking the examples in the reader and also doing my own research online to see what’s the most useful and helpful for me.
Hopefully you’ll be able to tell me what worked best for you too!
Hope to hear from somebody soon,
Best wishes, Emily

P.S Also thank you to Liam Conman for letting us know of a way to keep up with comments on other peoples Blogs, very helpful!


  1. Hi Emily, I am just getting started with Task 2 now, time is going quickly and it feels like we will never be short of things to read and write during the course. The learning process is flowing and the reflective journal will definately be an ongoing task, so I hope I will also find a suitable time, maybe in the evenings to write mine also. Or maybe in the mornings as I will be fresher. Whenever the time, I want to write when I feel I have something significant, artistic or opinionated to write about.
    I also used to keep a journal when I was younger, more about daily life and personal and dance dilemas rather than professional reflection. I am looking forward to the task 2. Writing is more a part of me than 'blogging.'

  2. Hi Emily, As Alicia says, this will be an ongoing task not just for practicing the various styles we try out for writting this journal but also for noting events and situations that have made an impact on our daily lives and not necessarily in our professional capacity. My blogging will be about what I summised in my journal and any confusion in the theories I come up against. We all change and develope as individuals. As a mature person I still crave the new experience, adventures, understanding and developing that other learners on this course desire. If you think you are sad what am I? I think you are absolutely on the right track about researching different styles. Just keep writting and blogging your thoughts.
