Sunday 30 October 2011

Task 2C 'a critical reflection'

'A Critical Reflection' I have uploaded task 2C as a Google document as it was quite long so hopefully it will be easier to read.


  1. Hi Emily,

    Lots of really interesting points here. (I think Google reader has messed with the format, as some paragraphs have been repeated and inserted at weird points.)

    I completely related to your idea of 'reflection-on-action' with notes. During a warm up I would always be going through notes that I had been given and really trying to think how I can avoid these things happening during the tech run. Normally I would correct these things then during the tech run other mistakes would happen so I would be reflecting in action trying to correct those as I was going along...NIGHTMARE!!! haha!

    I'd be interested to know which method of reflection is the most successful for you or do you think it is a combination of many?

    Nice piece Emily, take care and enjoy life at sea :) (I'm very jealous, i miss it! Have been home for a month now and want to get back out there!) xxx

  2. Thanks Jo for commenting and also informing me of that mistake. I've sorted it out now, I wrote it offline and pasted it to google docs twice! I think it is a combination of many methods that make reflection so successful for me as I will notice something different when I reflect in different ways.
    Hope you get back out to sea soon!

  3. Hi Emily, I think you have really done a great job of synthesising your learning and the information in the handbook. Good job.

    What you have to remember is that things like Kolb's learning cycle articulate the foundation of ideas that can develop from them. They may not seem like a 'new' idea but they establish the starting point for many theories. Like a plie is simple but works perfectly as the basis for much more complicated steps.
